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Firefox 4 Kids

Today I gave a presentation to 120 4th graders, as a participant in Career Day at Lowell Elementary School in Long Beach, California. I covered some general intarweb topics, places I had worked, and then talked about Mozilla, Firefox and open-source software.

You can download my slides here. Obviously, some topics were presented in a very simplified manner.

I did 3 presentations, to groups of 30-50 kids. I started the presentation by taking a survey ("Raise your hand if..."), then ran through my slides, and then took questions. Here are some observations from the day:

Overall, the kids seemed conversationally literate about the internet, more so than I was expecting. There was a general feeling that the internet was cool, but to be feared. They were definitely interested in Firefox, and asked where they could download it. They loved the Firefox stickers I gave out. Tons of thanks to Marcia, who got me more stickers on short notice (I originally thought I was only presenting to my daughter's class).