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Firefox 3 Conversation

9:12 argyle: fx3 please 9:13 argyle: fx2 just crashed on me for the 10th time this week 9:13 Dietrich: nightlies are always here: 9:13 argyle: ur lucky session restore is there 9:13 Dietrich: i seriously have hundreds of tabs open, no crashes 9:14 Dietrich: one-click bookmarking, tagging, better mem usage, no crashy 9:14 Dietrich: use it 9:14 Dietrich: love it 9:14 Dietrich: actually the killer feature is this: 9:14 Dietrich: url bar autocomplete searches title and url and tags now 9:15 Dietrich: and uses a "frecency" algorithm to bubble up stuff 9:15 argyle: nice 9:15 argyle: me like that 9:15 Dietrich: also shows bookmarked and tagged icons in the dropdown 9:15 Dietrich: i'm serious: i can't use fx2 9:15 Dietrich: because of the url bar changes alone 9:16 Dietrich: it's sooo painful to live without 9:16 Dietrich: that and turning autofill on == dope 9:17 argyle: I shall play with your little fox 9:17 argyle: oh feature request... on camino when I download something it has a "SHOW" button that opens finder to that folder and selects that file 9:17 argyle: u make fix in ff to do 9:18 Dietrich: done 9:18 Dietrich: download manager is completely rewritten 9:19 Dietrich: open dm -> click on the "i" icon next to the download -> it shows the path -> click on the path -> bing, finder opens up to that file 9:19 Dietrich: next please 9:19 argyle: yeaaaaaa 9:19 argyle: u make me feel special 9:20 Dietrich: we did it just 4 u

It got all X-rated after that, I'll spare you.