Cooking in Asia this week
The food. Cookbooks noted, and listed below.
- Sun: udon hot pot with chicken and shitaake (from Japanese Cooking...)
- Mon: soba with prawns and tofu in chili sauce (from Wagamama)
- Tues: udon with prawns, baby bok choy and tofu in tamarind sauce (from Wagamama)
- Weds: tomato soup and veggie chicken nuggets (dinner fail: shiloh forgot to put a lid on the rice)
- Thurs: Fukume-Ni (slow cooked shitaake, from Japanese Cooking...)
- sushi rice - always keeping some in the fridge for meals, and Shiloh has been making onigiri for her school lunches
- dashi - made a pint each of first and second dashi on sunday, using for various recipes, and miso soup at breakfast
The Books:
- Japanese Cooking...
- The Wagamama Cookbook
- Hot Sour Salty Sweet
- Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat
- China Moon
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