Live Screencasting on a Mac with Mogulus and CamTwist
This is bare-bones for now, just basic instructions to point folks at.
- Download and install CamTwist
- Go to create an account and a new channel
- Start CamTwist
- Select "Desktop" from the video sources list on the far left
- Select "Full Screen" from the settings pane on the far right
- Restart your browser (yes, do it)
- Log in to your channel's studio on
- On the left, in the Sources section, under the Cameras tab, your camera should show up
- In your camera settings, select "CamTwist" as the Video Source, and click the Cue button
- On the right, in the "Cued clip" section, press the big "Transition to cued clip" button Boom, you're now screencasting live.
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