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Live Screencasting on a Mac with Mogulus and CamTwist

This is bare-bones for now, just basic instructions to point folks at.

  1. Download and install CamTwist
  2. Go to create an account and a new channel
  3. Start CamTwist
  4. Select "Desktop" from the video sources list on the far left
  5. Select "Full Screen" from the settings pane on the far right
  6. Restart your browser (yes, do it)
  7. Log in to your channel's studio on
  8. On the left, in the Sources section, under the Cameras tab, your camera should show up
  9. In your camera settings, select "CamTwist" as the Video Source, and click the Cue button
  10. On the right, in the "Cued clip" section, press the big "Transition to cued clip" button Boom, you're now screencasting live.