Firefox Startup Performance Weekly Summary
This week brought a big win on Mac, and a slew of changes that are about to land.
Recent activity:
Bug 517045 is fixed and brings another win on Mac. Found by Joel Reymont and fixed by John Daggett, it improves cold startup by ~20% and warm startup by ~4%. It gets better: Jonathan Kew filed bug 519445 with a WIP patch for yet further reductions in Mac startup time spent in font system initialization.
Taras Glek's work on combining the different preference files into a single one is ready to land.
We now have unit-tested optimized builds, thanks to Release Engineering's work on bug 486783. This means we can now turn on PGO for Places, mozStorage and SQLite, which I'll land presently.
Bug 504858 pushes back the population of the bookmarks toolbar until after the browser window comes up. The patch has review, is ready to land.
Alfred Kayser's patch on bug 510844 which should increase throughput of JAR file reading, is ready to land.
Ben Hsieh got review on bug 510991, which removes some stats() from the startup path.
I'm no longer able to reproduce the cold startup regression from 3.5 to 3.6. I turned of SuperFetch, which resulted in more stable numbers, but there was no visible regression, even in builds going back a couple of months. Juan is going to test on Windows XP.
Ben Hsieh has a patch up for review on bug 511761, which removes needless stat()s of component files, and improves and clarifies current cache invalidation behavior.
Service caching work in bug 516085, made no progress. Next week I'll try pushing this to the Places branch to get a better idea of the total performance impact of the change.
Zack is working on major CSS parser changes in bug 513149. Projects in a holding pattern:
Cold Startup Testing: Drew and Alice made a bunch of progress on bug 510587, to create a new Ts that measures cold startup. Alice is working on mobile Talos though, so this is sidelined for a bit. The only issue left is reliable Windows measurement, but we're not going to block on it, can live with Mac and Linux to start off.
JARification: David abandoned moving JS modules into a JAR file, since those files are fastloaded. However, since we want things like post-extension-install restarts to be fast, and those cause fastload cache invalidation, we might want to do things like this anyways. I filed a bug for the same treatment for components. These are lower priority, since they're not the normal startup case. Follow along with all JAR-ification via the tracker bug.
Startup Timeline: No updates, still not landed. Add [ft] in the whiteboard of your bug w/ the function names you want timed and David will generate it and update the bug.
Static Analysis: No progress on bug 506128. David needs to file a bug with the final log of named-yet-uncalled functions.
Dirty Profile Testing: No progress. Need to list scenarios, file bugs for each, generate Talos config patches and profile data, and then move it into Rel-Eng territory. Also, need to get a separate Tinderbox tree, since it's going to cause a bazillion new columns.
Joel Reymont noted in bug 513076 that there are serious drawbacks to getting our libraries in the dyld shared cache on Mac, so has deprioritized that work.