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Firefox Startup Performance - Dec 14

I'm going to be changing the format of these posts a bit, to put focus on the most important issues currently blocking a super-fast startup of Firefox. Hopefully it'll bring attention on the longest-running, hardest-to-fix, but highest-impact bugs. Right now I'm defining high-impact as changes that bring a 10% or greater improvement. Some of these bugs we don't yet have solid data on how much of an impact, but expect it to be filled in soon as we narrow the focus onto these. As always, the current numbers for startup and all other tests are available on the Performance Snapshot Page.

Top Startup Bugs

Estimated win Bug \# Summary Owner Status Notes
>10\% [512584]( Super fast paths for Components.classes and Components.interfaces Taras Glek in progress Got consultation from mrbkap, needs new patch.
>10\% [525013]( Investigate a more static build configuration of Firefox Joel Reymont Mac and Linux in progress Only measured on Mac so far, need Linux numbers and someone to figure out the Windows story.
up to 25\% [514083]( Per-file HFS+ compression on Mac OSX 10.6 Joel Reymont in progress Snow Leopard only.
TBD [520309]( Startup cache: replacement for fastload cache Ben Hsieh review More efficient than current fastload, and key to enabling fastloading of XBL, CSS, manifests and various other data. Need to push to Places branch to figure out base perf difference from current fastload.
TBD [503483]( Turn on --enable-faststart for Firefox by default Dietrich needs testing Loads Firefox core libraries at boot time. Need to test on all OSes, publish the numbers, and get discussion going.
TBD [513149]( Speed up CSS parsing by using a machine generated lexer Zack Weinberg Zack's blocked on other work Taras says it's high, but no figures, so need better data here.
Other activity this week: