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Resume review.

A friend recently asked me to take a look at his resume. After reading countless resumes and doing hundreds of interviews for Mozilla over the last 5+ years (whoa, almost 6 now!), a bunch of stuff came jumbling out. With his permission, I've copied the feedback here. Maybe it'll be of use to someone looking for a manager's eye on their resume. Most of the comments make sense on their own, so I didn't copy the resume itself here.

Hey! Overall, looks good - you look like a solid candidate for a Java programming gig, with some potential for leadership, but not interested in it. Probably a senior coding member on a team (given the # of years experience) or a lone-wolf programmer that a manager could hand a project off to and expect you to run with it.

A couple of thoughts below with my critical hat on, ranging from grammar to technical. Please take with many grains of salt - obviously I'm not representative of all hiring managers. Also, I didn't have the context about whether this is tailored for a specific position, or if you are just getting ready to hit the market. Is the resume tailored for your ideal job, or the job you'd settle for? Hard to evaluate without that context.