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Unbookmarking the Future of Browsing

I am needy:

An idea for navigating dynamic content is to merge feeds and groups. Imagine you have a BBC group, which has the BBC feed as it's source. The set of "tabs" in that group are the items in the feed. If you open the group, all the URLs in the feed are loaded into tabs (but not really loaded if you restore-on-demand).

Anyways, it's interesting to think about how to prototype some of these ideas in an add-on or a collection of them. I'm sure some of the items above already exist as add-ons.

I realize that I'm not a "typical user". However, after almost 6 years of browser-making, I'm pretty damn sure that there is no such person. I do not believe that the one-size-fits-all browser is the future. When adding a feature or fixing a bug, we shouldn't have to choose between grandma and the geeks. In order to stay relevant in a highly-personalized future, we should strive to ensure that Firefox is pliable enough that we who make it are not restricted by it, and more importantly we must ensure that add-on developers are free to mash-up and remix and experiment the f*ck out of it.