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Firefox Startup Performance Weekly Summary

Work on blockers for 3.6 stole some time last week, but some startup work advanced nonetheless, including a bunch of landings. I've posted the numbers from early last week below. The percentages are the difference from 3.5. Given the spate of landings later in the week after we measured, I'll have to update the numbers again to get the full effect of everything listed below. As usual, more details and links are available on the project wiki, and we're available to answer questions in #startup on

Cold Startup (median results from Juan and myself)

Platform 3.5 3.6 Trunk
Mac Leopard (10/6) 12161 10440 (-14\%) 10175 (-16\%)
Win XP (10/4) 5610 5640 (0\%) 4050 (-27.8\%)
Warm Startup (median of results from Talos, updated 10/6)
Platform 3.5 3.6 Trunk
Mac Leopard 1500ms 1190ms (-20\%) 1040ms (-30\%)
Win XP 458ms 470ms (+2\%) 468ms (+2\%)
Win Vista 545ms 544ms (0\%) 545ms (0\%)
Linux 624ms 634ms (0\%) 634ms (0\%)
Recent landings: