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Firefox Startup Performance Weekly Summary

The numbers aren't updated yet, as they were oddly counter-intuitive. Firefox 3.5 showed a massive week-over-week improvement in cold startup on Windows, which from what I can tell is not expected. On Leopard, cold startup shows a couple of percentage point improvement over last week, which is expected. Warm startup for Mac shows a 20% improvement over 3.5, but a 10% regression from last week, contradicting the numbers from Ts. Again, counter-intuitive numbers given that we landed a bunch of changes focused squarely on startup performance during that period.

Fortuitously, Alice and the release engineering team deployed automated cold startup testing for Mac and Linux. This gives us per-checkin visibility of cold startup times, and removes the need for error-prone local measurements for those platforms. On Windows we haven't yet figured out how to emulate cold startup reliably, so that's the next step.

As usual, more details and links are available on the project wiki, and we're available to answer questions in #startup on

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