Tagged 'jetpack'
Tagged “jetpack”
- Doublestitch - A Simpler and Cleaner Pocket for Firefox add-ons jetpack pocket extensions
- Unbookmarking the Future of Browsing add-ons browsing firefox jetpack mozilla panorama
- Building Firefox in the Post-Browser Age firefox jetpack mozilla
- Visualizing web page memory use in Firefox firefox jetpack mozilla performance
- Dormancy: Freeing up memory from unused tabs add-ons jetpack memory performance
- Dormancy: Freeing up memory from unused tabs add-ons firefox jetpack memory mozilla performance
- Wallflower: Un-Socializing Your Web firefox jetpack mozilla
- Peek: Apps, App Tabs, and Context. firefox jetpack mozilla
- Extensibly Awesome: A Jetpack API for the Firefox Location Bar firefox jetpack mozilla
- Github+Bugzilla Add-on Updated add-ons bugzilla firefox github jetpack mozilla
- Badged Widgets with the Firefox 4 Add-on SDK firefox jetpack mozilla
- Github + Bugzilla (an Addon for Firefox 4) add-ons firefox githug jetpack mozilla
- cmd: Quick Command Execution for Firefox 4 add-ons firefox jetpack mozilla
- Tracking Firefox UI Response Time firefox jetpack mozilla performance
- Building Add-ons with Jetpack, Flightdeck and... Vim. add-on development add-ons extensions firefox jetpack mozilla
- Firefox, Plugins and Jetpack Widgets add-on development firefox flash jetpack
- Upcoming changes to the Jetpack Widget API firefox javascript jetpack mozilla
- Jetpacking: The 0.3 SDK and a peek at whats coming next. firefox jetpack mozilla
- Easing Orange: Jetpack for Correlating Tinderbox Test Failures with Bugs firefox jetpack mozilla tinderbox
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