Tagged 'xml'
Tagged “xml”
- Interesting Papers by Stephen Mazzocchi cms people xml
- UW Team Releases Bad-ass XML Toolkit xml
- XIndice: Windows Installer databases xml
- Luis Argerichs PHP XML Classes php xml
- Don Box - Sums up schema use in MS framework on XML-DEV quotes xml schemas
- XML-DEV: Validate an XPath with Regex xml xpath
- Serverside SVG generation with PHP php svg xml
- Side-by-side Comparison of XML Schema and Relax NG in a Tutorial schemas xml
- Joe English: A Plea for Sanity (XML-DEV post on namespaces) xml
- Stefano Mazzocchi Rants on XML Databases databases xml
- Looping in XSLT xml xslt
- Good XML Schema cheatsheet (via SOAP-ENV) schemas xml
- Wyona: Open Source XML CMS cms xml
- Semantic Web How-to rdf semantic web xml
- SAML HOWTO - Single Sign On using SAML authentication xml
- Nicholas Lehuen on Schema Validation (xml-dev) quotes xml schemas
- Microsoft Hailstorm Schemas xml schemas
- How to Implement Relax NG xml schemas
- Elliotte Harold slides from XMLOne, London 2002 xml schemas
- SIXDML Specification xml xml-query
- Dare Obasanjo K5 Article: What do you know about XML and Databases? xml databases
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